Back in London


Hiiiiii everyone
I'm sorry I didn't have time to write a few last posts whilst in New York.
My last days were so hectic but really incredible!
I spend a lot of time with Melanie and Victoria! Soooo much fun!
Went to Hoboken and had a walk around town. Such a cute little city, I'm really glad I got to see it before I left.
We went out in Hoboken my final night :)
The flight and trip back to London went really well. Plane was on time and the journey from Heathrow home was so quick. London was showing off it's best side with the sunniest day yesterday as well. Love this city.
It really is great to be back home. I've missed my babies sooooooooo much. Cried a whole lot when I saw them yesterday. haha. 
These last couple of days I've just been trying to spend as much time as possible with them but tomorrow it's time to get back to reality and I have to go out and try to find a job :)
So what's my final words on my time in New York....
Well I've had an incredible time. It's been hard as well, missing people and not really knowing anyone. But I made great friends, got to see what an amazing city New York is and I learnt a lot about myself and what I want and value in life.
Once again I really am blessed and for that I'm eternally grateful.
THANK YOU to everyone who was a part of making this trip a memory forever.
I love you all!
Now it's time to turn over a new leaf and start a new chapter in the book that's my life
I'm really excited
Me and Mel on my last night. So hapyy I met this amazing person! She's the best <3


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