Tonight I'm staying in and having a proper movie night.
Bought pistachios for snacks and will start with Seven Pounds.
Good morning folks,
I don't know what's up with me this morning. Feeling very down and alone today.
This is my 5th day in New York and so far I have spoken to 1 person.
I'm a pretty social person who enjoyes talking.... alot..... which anyone who knows me will certainly be able to confirm. 
So being here all by myself is not the easiest.
However I think it's just a state of mind. Since I usually live with three other people it's not strange that now living alone, and being in a city where I don't know anyone would feel weird.
I'm sure this is the best learning experience and I've already noticed how I'm growing as a person.
Just haaaave to get used to not having someone to speak to 24/7 that's all.
I should be using this blog as an outlet :)
Hey that's a good idea.....
My new virtual best friend!
wow that's sad!
Ok I need to turn this frown upside down and make this day the best so far!!!
There was a big thunder storm last night so I'm hoping it will be a tiny bit cooler outside today.
On the news they said it will still be very sticky and warm, but the temperature is below 30 so that's an improvement!
Today's plans then....
1. Breakfast (food usually cheers me up)
2. Shower (mandatory twice a day due to the heat)
3. Catch the bus to the city (at least I will be surrounded by other people)
4. Go to the cinema and see The Bling Ring (You can't even speak at the cinema so that won't feel strange)
5. Spend the rest of the day exploring The City (If New York CIty can't cheer me up, nothing can)
Yep better get going!
I'm now feeling much more determined to make this an AMAZING day!
It IS New York after all!
xx Maria
stunning city

This just made my day....
Just seeing your face puts a smile on my face (that sounded weird but you get what I'm saying)

Älskar dig fröken Eternell!!

Good day :)
I've spent the day so far working on my first assignments as an intern. My meeting yesterday went really well and I'm so excited to be working with The Fire This Time Festival this summer. 
I had to write up some email templates that I will be sending out. Just waiting for approval now and then I can start sending out my first emails as an intern. Yay.
Thik I'm going to head into the city later and go and see The Bling Ring at the cinema. I've wanted to see that film for sooo long now. 
x Maria
The view of the city at night is absolutely breathtaking!!!!!! My iphone couldn't really catch all the lights but will try to get a better picture with my camera later.

So here are two of the things I bought yesterday :)

Both the top and the shorts are from Forever 21.

Heading into the city for some tourist time before my meeting.


I'm trying something new and I've decided not to sleep in every day like I always do otherwise.

It's now 7am and I'm wide awake for a change. Might be jet lag still.... But that's fine by me :)

So happy to see the temperature below 30!! Yay!

Today is the first day of my internship. Very exciting!


Heeeello peeps,

I'm sooo exhausted right now. I've been walking around manhattan for 7 hours today. My feet are killing me!

It's been an amazing day though, I've mostly just walked around midtown, 5th avenue and Central Park. Didn't really have a plan for where to walk so I just walked in the direction my feet were pointing. And that worked out just fine :)

Did a little bit of shopping today. Can maybe show you some of the things I bought later....

Right now I've just had dinner and will now watch some tv with my feet high up for a few hours.

Lots of loooove from NYC

So I haven't really done that much today to be honest.
The main reason being the very high temperature and humidity in the air.
I left my house to try and find some stores and food but first I was just walking around and didn't find anything.
It's about 32 degrees here today and the humidity is rediculous!
I really need my luggage so I can wear something else than jeans.
After I had breakfast at a nice little cafe pretty close to where I live I asked the guy working there if there were any shops close by and thankfully there were. 
However walking home with all the shopping was probably the worst thing I have ever done!
When I got in I looked like I had taken a bath from sweating so much.
I haven't really written anything about the flat.
So due to many reasons I am not living on Manhattan.
I'm staying in New Jersey.... but if I walk 10 meters from the flat I have the most spectacular view of Manhattan... 
which is great.
(I will post pictures soon)
Right now I'm waiting for my luggage to finally arrive and then I don't know what to do.
Really chill first day :)
pretty nice view right?
I'm HEEERE! I'm actually here! I still can't believe it! But it's true... AND I have a permanent smile on my face that I can't seem to get rid of :D
So excited for this adventure to start, well it has already started. Haha. I have to tell you about the crazy day of travelling I had yesterday!
So I woke up at 8am at my mums house in Karlskrona. Got the train to copenhagens airport at around 09.45am.
Of course there were some problems with the train on the way so I got a bit scared I would miss my flight, but it all worked out and I managed to get just on time to the airport.
The first flight was back to London Heathrow where I would change to my New York flight.
And you CANNOT belive what happened in London!
So I'm flying with Virgin Atlantic to New York and I go to their transfer desk to check in on my flight and get a boarding pass. But I was told that my flight had been overbooked so I wouldn't be able to get a seat. Whaaat? Was my first thought... I couldn't believe I wasn't going to get to New York after all the excitment. I was told that of course Virgin would pay for a hotel and cover all costs and I was like... well there's not much to do about it.
Then another girl was on the phone trying to sort everything out, other than me there was a danish family that also couldn't get on the flight. After having spoken to the ticket office on the phone she asked us to come around so she would explain what was going to happen.
Good news! ---- We have sorted tickets for you to get on the 8.05pm flight instead. (That was 3 hours later than my previous flight).
AND evern BETTER NEWS, you will get 715 dollars in compensation money!!!!!!
Say whaaaaaat??!!! I honestly couldn't believe what she was saying! They will give me 715 dollars for putting me on a 3 hour later flight?!?! Is someone kidding me??
Well no, it wasn't a joke and 40 minutes later I could go and pick up 715 dollars in cash at the nearest Travelex!
Then the flight to New York went very smoothly. They have AMAZING airplanes that are so modern and clean and the people working on the plane were so friendly.
This is definitley my new favourite airline!!!!
We got into New York at 11pm. Not too bad I thought. At least it's still sunday here. I had only slept about 40 min to 1 hour on the plane because I wanted to be able to go to sleep as soon as I got to my flat. So i was pretty tired!
Customes took 1 hour 30 minutes! Worst que of my life!
Then I found out of course my luggage was lost. So had to fill out a lost property application.
Around1.15am I got out to try and catch the bus to NYC: Couldn't find a bus that time of night so decided to get a Taxi. 
I just needed to get here and to sleep!
Got to the flat at around 2.45am.
Long day with a lot of things happening!
I passed out pretty quick and woke up at 7.30am.
Will probably die tonight from being so tired!
Wow now I've written so much and there are still more to say.....
To try and not keep this going forever I am now going to try and find something to eat and explore the area.
Will write another update later tonight about my home and my first day in New York :)
Tomorrow morning is the day I leave for New York!
Right now I'm so nervous I don't even know what to do with myself!!!!!!
Just packing gives me a massive stomach ache. Can't remember ever being this nervous about travelling before, but I'm sure it will all go away as soon as I get on the plane tomorrow.
I just figured out that the time it will take for me to get from my mums house in karlskrona to landing in New York will be around 19 hours! That's pretty crazy.
First it's a 3 hour train ride to copenhagen. Then the first flight that will actually be back to London :) And from Heathrow my flight to New York will leave at 5.35 pm (london time).
So from now on I will start to update this blog a lot more AND I will do it in English.
Can't believe the adventure starts tomorrow! Still doesn't feel real to be honest.
Now I'm going to finish packing the last few things, watch an episode of some series and then read a chapter or two in my Potter book.
I'll try to post something tomorrow but if I don't have the time.... I guess the next time I write I will actually be in New York!
Night peeps x
Me yesterday at the Midsummer celebrations together with the family
Love always, my best friend <3
I hope you recieve all the happiness in the world! I know no one who deserves it more!

I can't believe this just happened! I reached the target for my campaign!!!!! My dream just came through!

I'm in such a state of chock right now I don't know what to say.....

All I can say right now is just THANK YOU to everyone who has been so so supportive of me! I could never in a million years have believed that so many people would support and help me the way they have. Not only with money but just encouragement and faith in me!
I feel so humble to have received so much from so many! I'm truly blessed.

I will never forget all this in a million years.


Thank you <3


"I'm in a New York State of mind"

Hallå på er!
Just nu är klockan snart halv 4 på natten här i södra London. Av någon anledning kan jag inte somna. Tror det är seperationsångest blandat med resfeber som har tagit över.

Det är alltid, eller för det mesta, jobbigt med förändringar och är verkligen nervös för hur den här sommaren ska bli!

Som tidsfördriv har jag nu i en timmes tid ungefär legat och läst blondinbellas och sedan Odds blogg.
Vilken man han är ändå den där Odd! Gillar verkligen att läsa hans blogg. Han har en sån skön attityd och skriv stil... Härlig distans till livet på något sätt och riktigt komisk faktiskt!
Sen är ju alla hans filmer riktigt roliga att se på med.

En riktig drömkille... Odd Spångberg. Why not?

Nej nu är det verkligen dax att försöka sova! Det är en dag imorgon också.

Godnatt kära ni

Hejsan bloggen!
Snart är det dax att börja upp med bloggandet igen. Blev helt klar med skolan förra veckan och har denna veckan mest försökt kurera mig då jag har blivit superfökyld. Himla surt då sommarvädret ÄNTLIGEN anlänt och det är strålande sol varenda himla dag.
Hoppas på att den värsta sjukdagen varit idag i alla fall. Imorgon har jag lovat att sitta i dörren för en kompis som ska ha ett event på en klubb imorgon så då måste jag känna mig lite bättre. Tur väl behöver jag bara sitta och ta betalt men det är ändå många långa timmar som ska spenderas ute, jobbtid 21-04. Har aldrig jobbat så sent förrut.
Vad är det som händer annars då?
En massa har väl hänt men just nu blickar jag mest framåt. På onsdag åker jag till Sverige för 11 dar av sommarsverige. Sen den 23 juni så kommer jag äntligen åka till NEW YORK! Det känns fortfarande helt overkligt och kommer säkert inte fatta förrän jag sitter på planet. Men det händer faktiskt och om bara några veckor kommer jag befinna mig i New York för resten av sommaren.
Väl där kommer bloggandet behöva förbättras då jag måste hålla loggbok för skolan, alltså är det lättast att bara blogga så har jag allt där :)
Det enda jobbiga med New York är hur dyrt allt kommer bli. Har fortfarande min Kampanj igång så om du har en tia över skulle du inte kunna göra någon lyckligare än mig om du ville donera den ;) HÄR är länken till sidan.
De sista dagarna här i London på några månader känns väldigt bitterljuva. Längtar att få komma hem och träffa alla hemma, men kan inte föreställa mig hur det kommer bli att lämna mina älskingar. Kommer inte få träffa mina roomies på så himla länge och vet inte hur jag ska klara mig. Kommer nog gråta en massa på onsdag :P
Nej nu ska jag börja Harry Potter boken nr 4 och sen föröska sova så mycket som möjligt.
Hörs snart <3
Hur ska jag kunna leva utan min fruga varje dag?