3 July


Moorning everyone!
I'm sorry I've fallen behind on the blogging over the last few days.
I've had some fantastic days though.
All of monday I spent with my two classmates who are also here interning in NYC and some of their friends.
We had a walk around china town, a lot of girltalk, dinner at amazing Mission Chinese Food, we went to the cinema to se The Heat and finally finished the day with a cocktail at Hard Rock Cafe and a lot of laughing.
A perfect day!
(Also the film The Heat was HYSTERICAL, it's a must see for sure!!!!)
Yesterday I spent most of the day having a headache. Not very exciting. Just stayed in and relaxed.
In the evening I went into the city for a Connect group which was very nice. :)
Today I need to get some more internship work done and then I need to plan 4th July that's coming up tomorrow!
Very excited for that :)
Independence day bring it on!
x Maria
Next to these people I'm a giant!!! That's fun.......


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