Here comes the real story people
So as you might have noticed I've been pretty bad at updating the blog for a while now.
To be honest it has not been because of lack of time (I wish). It has been a conscious decision from my end due to the fact that I honestly haven’t been doing anything for most of the time I’ve been here.
All I have done is been a tourist every day. Not saying that that has been boring in any way. I’ve gotten to see some amazing things and experience some great parts of NYC but that wasn’t the reason I flew over here in the first place, as you all know.
At my internship there just hasn’t been that much for me to do. Basically nothing at all for me to do and I’ve felt very ashamed of that since I know how gracious and generous so many people were towards me and this trip.
I never wanted to disappoint anyone by not actually doing any work while I’m out here so I just stopped writing about my time here instead of feeling like a failure.
HOWEVER, in the beginning of this week I just felt that it was time for me to maybe start looking at some other places to intern while I’m here. There must be someone who needs an extra FREE hand for a few weeks.
A new friend of mind told me about a website called so I checked it out and sent out several emails.
The same day I got a reply from a film production currently shooting a feature film in Brooklyn that I could join the team and work as a Production Assistant.
So today my dear friends and family I have for the first time in my life worked at a real film shoot.
It has been the most amazing experience (and exhausting) of my life. So incredibly fascinating to see how a real shoot actually run. This is what they call a low budget film but holy smokes… if this is low budget I would loooove to see a Hollywood film shoot. I mean this isn’t the most luxurious experiences but it is truly a real production.
We have had about 40 actors today and there has been around 30-40 people working as crew of different sorts.
Wow there’s so much I would like to say about this day but to be honest I’m so tired right now I almost want to cry.
Found out yesterday evening that they wanted me to come in and work today.
My call time (the time I had to be there) was 6am!!!! (06.00)
That meant I had to set my alarm for 4am, leave my house at 4.20am. (I got 3,5 hours of sleep)
Got to the location at perfect timing 6am and have been working nonstop for over 15 (!!!!!!!!) hours in 36 degree weather!
Talk about being thrown into the deep end of the pool.
It has been amazing though and everyone on set has been so kind and supportive.
Never have I gotten so many compliments for my shirt as today. Haha everyone found my t-shit to be extremely funny. Which was great… but I didn’t really think about how people would view the text on it when I put it on this very early morning.
Well after being away from my house 19 hours today I think that will be it for now.
Tomorrow and Saturday I have two days off from shooting. So tomorrow I will continue my story about all that happened…. MY FIRST DAY ON SET!
(Yes there is a new story beginning right now)
Stay tuned!
Good night all of you lovely beautiful people
