

Well Morning there..
OK it's not exactly morning but since I went to bed at 7.30am and just woke up 30 min ago for me it's definitely morning.
So like previously explained, this week we are filming over night. My first night on set was yesterday and it went very well I think. I didn't get crazy tired to my big surprise.
However that will probably happen today since I haven't slept that much.
Anywhoooo, it's currently puring down outside. Raining so bad but it's thankfully not that hot. The set will probably be extremely sticky humid so yay to that. not
We are filming at an old sugar factory and it's extremely sticky everywhere. There is old sugar dripping from the ceiling so the odds of you not getting filthy is really small. When I got in this morning the first thing I did was jump in to the shower and what a glorious feeling that was.
Well I now have a an hour before I have to leave for todays shoot.
xx Maria


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