This just made my day....
Just seeing your face puts a smile on my face (that sounded weird but you get what I'm saying)
Älskar dig fröken Eternell!!

So here are two of the things I bought yesterday :)
Both the top and the shorts are from Forever 21.
Heading into the city for some tourist time before my meeting.
I'm trying something new and I've decided not to sleep in every day like I always do otherwise.
It's now 7am and I'm wide awake for a change. Might be jet lag still.... But that's fine by me :)
So happy to see the temperature below 30!! Yay!
Today is the first day of my internship. Very exciting!
Heeeello peeps,
I'm sooo exhausted right now. I've been walking around manhattan for 7 hours today. My feet are killing me!
It's been an amazing day though, I've mostly just walked around midtown, 5th avenue and Central Park. Didn't really have a plan for where to walk so I just walked in the direction my feet were pointing. And that worked out just fine :)
Did a little bit of shopping today. Can maybe show you some of the things I bought later....
Right now I've just had dinner and will now watch some tv with my feet high up for a few hours.
Lots of loooove from NYC

I can't believe this just happened! I reached the target for my campaign!!!!! My dream just came through!
I'm in such a state of chock right now I don't know what to say.....
All I can say right now is just THANK YOU to everyone who has been so so supportive of me! I could never in a million years have believed that so many people would support and help me the way they have. Not only with money but just encouragement and faith in me!
I feel so humble to have received so much from so many! I'm truly blessed.
I will never forget all this in a million years.
Thank you <3
"I'm in a New York State of mind"
Hallå på er!
Just nu är klockan snart halv 4 på natten här i södra London. Av någon anledning kan jag inte somna. Tror det är seperationsångest blandat med resfeber som har tagit över.
Det är alltid, eller för det mesta, jobbigt med förändringar och är verkligen nervös för hur den här sommaren ska bli!
Som tidsfördriv har jag nu i en timmes tid ungefär legat och läst blondinbellas och sedan Odds blogg.
Vilken man han är ändå den där Odd! Gillar verkligen att läsa hans blogg. Han har en sån skön attityd och skriv stil... Härlig distans till livet på något sätt och riktigt komisk faktiskt!
Sen är ju alla hans filmer riktigt roliga att se på med.
En riktig drömkille... Odd Spångberg. Why not?
Nej nu är det verkligen dax att försöka sova! Det är en dag imorgon också.
Godnatt kära ni